
1. Painter - An artist who creates visual art through painting.
2. Sculptor - An artist who creates three-dimensional art through carving, molding, or assembling materials.
3. Illustrator - An artist who creates artwork for books, magazines, and other publications.
4. Graphic designer - An artist who creates designs for advertisements, websites, and other media.
5. Photographer - An artist who creates visual art through capturing images with a camera.
6. Animator - An artist who creates moving images through animation techniques.
7. Printmaker - An artist who creates prints through various techniques such as etching, lithography, and screen printing.
8. Ceramist - An artist who creates pottery and other ceramic art.
9. Glas***lower - An artist who creates glass art through blowing and shaping molten glass.
10. Textile artist - An artist who creates art using fabrics and other textile materials.
1.Painter: 画家
2.Sculptor: 雕塑家
3.Musician: 音乐家
4.Illustrator: 插画家
5.Designer: 设计师
6.Photographer: 摄影师
7.Writer: 作家
8.Actor: 演员
9.Dancer: 舞者
artist的同类词有art,artist是英语单词读音音标:英 [ˈɑ:tɪst] 美 [ˈɑ:rtɪst] 词义:n. 艺术家;画家;能手。多用于描述画画等艺术行业。
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