
Qi Baishi (or should I call him Qi White Stone), a modern Chinese painter most famous for his beginning painting at middle-age, used a host of hao on paintings, since he kept changing them over the years.
He didn’t stop with hao either; he also completely changed his first and last names, finally settling on the Qi Baishi by which he is best known. His “nomography” (I made that term up), which I h***e below, is a good example of how transitory a Chinese name can be (my translations):
Original surname and given name: 纯芝Chun Zhi
Qi Baishi (1864-1957) was a renowned Chinese painter, calligrapher, and
sculptor. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in modern
Chinese art.
Qi Baishi's paintings are known for their simplicity, elegance, and attention to
details. His style often features delicate lines, fluid brushwork, and vivid
colors. He is particularly skilled at painting flowers, birds, and other
natural subjects.
In addition to his painting, Qi Baishi was also a prolific calligrapher and
engr***er. His calligraphy is characterized by its bold strokes, expressive
movements, and attention to form. His engr***ings are equally impressive, showcasing
his mastery of the craft.
Qi Baishi's works are widely collected and admired around the world. His influence
can be seen in many contemporary artists who draw inspiration from his unique
approach to art.
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