
Kites h***e been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world.
In China,there's a long history to fly a kite in the Spring while usually the weather and wind are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society, flying kite become to be a world wide sport.
The most famous kite flying city in China is Weifang cit y in Shandong provience, every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites.
《追风筝的人》英文为《The Kite Runner》
《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)的第一部长篇***,译者李继宏,上海人民出版社于2003年出版,是美国2005年的排名第三的畅销书。全书围绕风筝与阿富汗的两个少年之间展开,一个富家少年与家中仆人关于风筝的故事,关于人性的背叛与救赎。
1、fly a kite
2、fly kites【例句】1、Let’s head for the mountain and fly a kite. 我们去山上放风筝吧。2、What can you do in fall? I can fly kites. 秋天你可以干什么?我可以放风筝。3、Do you want to fly to kite? 你想去放风筝吗?4、Let's fly a kite together at the weekend! 这个周末我们一起去放风筝吧!5、Do you like flying a kite? 你喜欢放风筝吗?6、Sometimes my father takes me to fly kites. 有时候爸爸带我去放风筝。7、Li Ming is flying a kite now. 李明正在放风筝。8、Why do you like fall? Because I can fiy kites. 你为什么喜欢秋天?因为我可以放风筝。9、Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the playground. 春天是放风筝的好季节,你可以去公园,田野里或者操场上放风筝。10、What great fun it is to fly kites! 放风筝真有趣!
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